Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blind Spot

Blind Spot
EJ Hauser & Mónica de la Torre

308 Bowery @Bleecker Street
May 2-June 27, 2012

Reception: Wednesday May 2, 5:30-7pm @ Bowery Poetry Club

Please join us for an evening of text, image, music, and a chance to discover where your missing light receptors are. For the Elizabeth Murray Art Wall project, EJ Hauser and Mónica de la Torre have collaborated to create BLIND SPOT. EJ Hauser constructed a simple optical exercise in neon that can reveal one’s blind spot. Other images may or may not appear. Mónica de la Torre provided the conceptual springboard for the project.

I introduced EJ Hauser and Mónica de la Torre by email. After one studio visit their collaboration continued online. Their conversation is integral to the work. In it, the word “blind spot" keeps coming up and eventually becomes their central image.

EJ Hauser is a Brooklyn based painter known for her abstract and text-based work. Recently, portraits of Walt Whitman and Paul Thek made an appearance into her oeuvre. This year her work has been seen in Special Blend at the Journal Gallery and at the VIP Art Fair 2.0 with James Fuentes Gallery. EJ blogs on art and artists and you can follow her @ SUPERDIGIT.

Mónica de la Torre comfortably wears several hats: poet, translator, and senior editor of BOMB magazine. Her poetry books include two in English, Talk Shows and Public Domain, and two in Spanish. She has translated Latin American poets and edited multilingual anthologies. Four, her new poetry book, is just out from Switchback. She will be reading at Bowery Poetry Club on May 19 at 4 pm, part of the Segue Series.

Tamara Gonzales

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